Upcoming: NetMcr #6, 8th December

Hello everyone,

NetMcr #6 will be going ahead as per the usual ‘2nd Thursday’ schedule! We’ll have talks about the newly-passed Investigatory Powers Act from ISPA Chair James Blessing, and also on the CZ.NIC Turris Omnia router from NetMcr regular Mike Hughes.

As per ususal, we’ll be occupying the upstairs room of the glorious 57 Thomas Street, starting from 19:00. The first talk is generally at 19:30, so do get there with enough time to get settled.

There is also the usual Lanyrd event page for you to keep a track of the evening’s agenda as it develops, and to indicate your attendance.

Of course, we’re still looking for someone to fulfil the third talk slot, or indeed talk slots in January & February, so please get in touch if you’d like to give short & informative talk. You don’t need to be an expert, nor do you need to have previous experience of giving talks to a large audience – we’re a well behaved bunch, and maintain a strict code of conduct. Any topic related to Networking will be well received and appreciated. 🙂

